Those who know me know that I have what one might call a casual interest in Jane Austen. And by "casual" I mean that she has been one of my favourite authors since I was twelve years old; I try to read at least one book related to her a year; I own and have seen many times multiple film adaptations of her work and life; and I keep her action figure on my desk at home to serve as writing inspiration. So, it is safe to say that I was mildly excited about the Jane Austen Centre in Bath. And by "mildly excited" I mean that it was all I could talk about when Bath was brought up; throughout our day in Bath, I would exclaim at random "Jane Austen walked here!"; and the first words out of my mouth after the required tour of the Baths, themselves, was to ask for directions to the Centre. Yeah, this trip was definitely on my bucket list. After about a twenty minute lecture over Jane Austen's life and her time in Bath, I proceeded to spend about two hours in a museum that is just a bit bigger than my flat, and I loved every second of it :)

The Centre Entrance: A Jane Austen figure and a nice man in costume. All the workers were in traditional costume.
Marriage Certificate of Jane Austen's parents
Look at that hat!
Tea Set- Because tea was so expensive, it was kept in a locked box, and only the woman of the house could have the key.
"Lizzie Bennet" Doll and Accessories |
Letter written by Jane Austen to her sister, Cassandra
"Jane" at her desk
Wow, that looks pretty cool, actually! A lot of stuff to fit in so small of a museum.